Karkaralinsky State National Natural Park was organized on December 1, 1998 by Decree No. 1212 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the creation was the preservation and restoration of the unique natural complexes of the Karkralinsky and Kent mountainous forests. The national park is home to 190 species of vertebrates, 46 species of mammals, more than 120 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles, 2 species of amphibians and 15 species of fish. Among the predators are wolf, fox, polecat, lynx. Until 1940, bears were encountered in the national park. Of the animals listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the following live here: argali, manul; birds - curly pelican, demoiselle crane, whooper swan, golden eagle, burial ground, saker falcon, duck, black stork.
About 800 plant species are found in the Karkala Mountains. Currently, 66 species of flowering plants in dire need of special protection and 15 species of ferns have been identified on the territory of the Karkaralinsky SNNP. The Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan includes 5 species: thin poppy, Karkaralinsky barberry, Volga adonis, smooth sphagnum, Kyrgyz birch. Aviation protection of the territory of the Karkaraly State National Natural Park is provided by the Karkaraly aviation department of the Kazavialesoohrana State Enterprise. Aviation patrols are carried out on a class 3 helicopter, such as Mi-2, VO-105. Ensuring the safety of forests is a common task and duty of every citizen. The guarantee of your good rest and health is compliance with all the rules of stay in the forests of the National Park.
Head of the Karkaralinsky aviation department T.V. Plotnikov