On October 1, 2020, forest aviation works were carried out (flight)
1 October 2020 experts Karkaralinsk aviation office together with representatives of Karkaraly SSPE has been completed joint overflights of the protected area in order to control compliance with the rules of nature and revealing the facts of violations of environmental legislation. Along the way, during the flight, a record was made of rare and endangered species of wild ungulates. During the air patrol, no violations of environmental legislation were detected.
On October 1, 2020, forest aviation works were carried out (flight)
1 October 2020 experts Bayanaul aviation office together with representatives of Bayanaul GNPP was completed joint overflights of the protected area in order to control the habitat of the mountain sheep (argali) listed in the Red book of Kazakhstan and identify the facts of the death of wild birds on reservoirs in the national Park of avian influenza in surrounding areas of NKO and Akmola region. During the inspection of the lakes, the dead bird was not found, the bird is active and gets off in flocks.
On September 30, 2020, forest aviation works were carried out (flight)

September 30, 2020, the aviation specialists of the Akmola branch of the state enterprise "Casabiancalana" together with representatives of Akmola regional territorial inspection was completed joint overflights protected area with the purpose of revealing the facts of death of wild birds on reservoirs for avian influenza in adjacent territories of Kazakhstan and Akmola region. During the flyby, the reservoirs of akkolsky (PL. Krasnoborskaya, Begichevskaya, Naumovski, lake Kemerkol, Kochece, Wiggily, Dmitrovka, Kamyshnoe, Axanova, Bumpy, Balykty, Kamyshnoe (second)), Bulandy (lake of Old zhuravlivka Gardial, Taldykol), Astrakhan (Artecoll, Ivan, Arsenovski, Sherman, Egidi) and Shortandy (Balyktykol, dam October, Rotten, Batanta) areas. During the inspection of the lakes, the dead bird was not found, the bird shows activity and gets off in flocks. During the RAID, the fact of illegal felling of trees was revealed, a Protocol on an administrative offense under article 340 of the criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan was drawn up. Cases of illegal digging of young trees on agricultural land were also identified.
On September 30, 2020, a fire was discovered
On September 30, 2020, during an air patrol of the territory protected by the Bukebayevsky aviation department, a steppe fire was discovered with a threat to the Begenevsky branch, RSU GLPR "Semey Ormany". The firefighting was abandoned, the forces and means Balabaeva aviation departments and Begenovskogo branch. Thanks to the coordinated actions of all services, the fire was localized, the threat to the State forest Fund was removed. In total, 10 people were involved in the localization of the fire, including 2 paratroopers-firefighters of the Bukebaevsky aviation department, 3 units of equipment, and a helicopter.
On September 30, 2020, forest aviation works were carried out (flight)
30 September 2020 experts Karkaralinsk aviation office state enterprise "Casabiancalana" together with representatives of Karkaraly SSPE has been completed joint overflights of the protected area in order to control compliance with the rules of nature and revealing the facts of violations of environmental legislation. Along the way, during the flight, a record was made of rare and endangered species of wild ungulates. During the air patrol, no violations of environmental legislation were detected.
On September 30, 2020, an employee of the Pavlodar aviation department held a preventive lecture
September 30, 2020, the programme on public awareness instructor APK Pavlodar aviation departments Babakov Vladimir among the inhabitants of the village Saldi, held a preventive lecture on: "Compliance with fire safety rules in the forest". Residents of the village were familiarized with precautions when handling fire in the forest, actions when detecting a forest fire, actions of a lost person in the forest, compliance with sanitary standards when visiting forests.
On September 30, 2020, an employee of the Zhambyl aviation department held a preventive lecture
September 30, 2020, the programme on public awareness instructor APG Zhambyl branch of aviation by A. K. Dusanova among the employees of the SCE on PVC "Central district hospital of Moyinkum area" held a preventive lecture on: "Protect the forest from fires." The participants were introduced to the precautionary measures when dealing with fire in the forest, actions when detecting a forest fire, actions of a person who got lost in the forest, and compliance with sanitary standards when visiting forest areas.