On June 13, 2020, employees of the Bukebaev aviation department discovered 5 fires

On June 12, 2020, during aerial patrolling of the territory protected by the Pavlodar aviation branch, 3 forest fires were discovered on the territory of the Shaldaysky GLP "Ertis Ormany". The forces and means of the Pavlodar aviation branch and the Shalday Branch were thrown into the fight against the fire element.
The forces and means of the Pavlodar aviation branch and the Beskaragai branch were thrown into the fight against the fire element. Thanks to the coordinated actions of all fire extinguishing services, the fire was eliminated on an area of 0.3 ha. The cause of the fires is a thunderstorm.
Most often, forest fires occur:
- through the fault of people leaving unqualified bonfires or cigarette butts in places of rest or work;
- when burning garbage by the owners of cottages and garden plots at the edges of the forest;
- from agricultural bollards. In rare cases, natural causes such as a lightning strike are to blame.
What each person can do:
Be extremely careful with fire within any natural area. So that your negligence does not cause a forest fire, follow these rules:
- never throw unquenched matches or cigarettes, do not use pyrotechnic products in the forest.
- never set fire to dry grass in the fields or clearings in the forest;
- Never make a bonfire in a dry forest.
Before you make a fire, make sure that the campfire is located on mineral soil (sand or clay), then rake the forest litter from the campfire and around it in a radius of 0.5 m.
Before leaving, pour a bonfire well. After that, rake the ash and make sure that no smoldering coals have survived under it, if you have, then drink it again. Do not go away from the filled fire while smoke or steam comes from it. Take care of how to fill the fire in advance.
Remember that the protection of the forest from fires is the concern of every person. In the event of a fire, immediately inform the rescue service at 112.
Ust-Kamenogorsk Aviation Branch of the State Enterprise "Kazavialesoohrana"
East Kazakhstan regional newspaper 7 days.
Grigory Bedenko, correspondent:
- For training the paratroopers of "Kazavialesoohrana” at the Burundai air base, a Mi-8AMT Almaty rescue service helicopter is used. This machine is specially adapted for flight in the mountains. It has powerful engines, in addition, it has a sufficiently high carrying capacity, that is, it can take a significant number of people on board.
The meaning of the training is to psychologically prepare the paratrooper for landing from a helicopter into the fire. During the descent, a special roller device is used. The paratrooper chooses a mode in accordance with its own weight. A cable made of synthetic material can withstand a load of 900 kilograms.
Anatoly Aisarov, instructor of the airborne fire brigade:
- The height will be 10 meters, then 20, 30, 40 meters. Two slopes at each height. Speed - 3 meters per second. The landing is clear, two legs full. First, unhook the carabiner from the brake unit, then remove the carabiner. Do not confuse.
"Kazavialesoohrana” is a special unit of the Ministry of Ecology, the main task of which is to detect natural fires at an early stage and to keep their spread until the approach of the main forces and means of emergency. When the fire hazard season sets in, and this usually happens as soon as the snow melts, the service starts air patrolling of the state forest fund. In the Almaty region alone, the monitoring area is 926 thousand hectares, and the total length of patrol routes is almost 9 thousand kilometers. Such vast territories can only be covered with the help of aviation.
Sergey Polyakov, head of the fire service:
- These workouts are called "break time”. They are held necessarily, because we have a long break. Since the start of the fire hazard season, we have been giving clearance to our paratrooper firefighters. Ground training was yesterday, today - air. These trainings, helicopter descents on launching devices, are quite dangerous work. In a month there will be a repeat of the workouts.
Sergei Polyakov says that currently, 22 aircraft and helicopters are used throughout the republic to protect the state forest fund. In the near future plans to conduct training in East Kazakhstan.
Source: https://24.kz/ru/news/social/item/401909-desantniki-kazavialesookhrany-gotovyatsya-k-sezonu-pozharov
The personnel of the Almaty and Taldykorgan Aviation Departments underwent ground training on the basis of a special simulator tower, with the aim of thorough and comprehensive training on the ground, working out all the elements of the descent, studying various techniques and training in their implementation.
The practical skills of the "forest special forces” were developed by experienced mentors - deputy director, head of the fire service, heads of the aviation department and observer pilots.
It should be noted that it is not always possible to get to the area of the current forest fire by land transport, and when delivering forces and equipment by air, it is not possible to select a site for safe landing.
In such cases, a decision is made to land in the area of the fire using a helicopter. A pilot observer from the air selects a site suitable for descent of paratrooper-firefighters, at least 5x5 meters in size between the crowns of the trees.
The helicopter hovering over this "well” at a height of at least 10 meters above the tops of trees (while the height to the ground should not exceed 45 meters). The observing pilot opens the door and drops a particularly durable (900 kg gap) 50-meter cord, through which, with the help of a trigger roller device, airborne firefighters descend directly from the helicopter to the ground.
During the training, the interaction of the observer pilot and paratrooper-firefighters, the descent speed (average - three meters per second), the correct landing and much more are monitored.
It is worth noting that such training descents are held annually - at the beginning and middle of the fire hazard season.
Photos of Grigory Bedenko