Forestry work at the Kokshetau aviation branch

On May 27, 2020, employees of the Kokshetau aviation branch, together with representatives of the RSU GNPP "Kokshetau", Deputy General Director B. Makanov and the director of the Ayyrtau branch in an MI-2 helicopter circled the protected area. The purpose of air patrolling was to record the fires that occurred in the protected area before the start of patrolling, as well as to identify violations of environmental laws. During the air patrolling, no violations were detected; the radio communication with the forestries and inspectors was checked. The condition of fire roads, which serve as barriers to the spread of possible ground fires and reference lines for the localization of existing foci, was examined.

May 26, 2020 in the Bayanaul aviation branch, an information stand was installed on the fire safety rules in the forests of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a banner dedicated to protecting forests from fires

May 26, 2020 employee of the Ridder aviation branch conducted a preventive lecture

May 26, 2020 in the framework of the program for informing the population of the paratrooper-firefighter of the Ridder aviation branch Arykin V.P. among the employees of Altyk Kazan ShҚ LLP a preventive lecture was held on the subject - "Observance of fire safety rules in the forest”. The lecture participants were acquainted with safety precautions when handling fire in the forest, actions when a forest fire was detected, actions lost in the forest, and compliance with sanitary standards when visiting forests.

May 25, 2020 the fire was eliminated

On May 25, 2020, a fire was discovered on the territory of the 70th quarter of the Eastern Forestry, Dolonsky branch. The forces and means of the Dolonsky branch and the Bukebaevsky aviation branch were thrown into the fight against the fire element. The fire was eliminated on an area of 0.04 ha. 11 people of the Dolonsky branch, 2 paratrooper-firefighter of the Bukebaevsky aviation branch, 3 pieces of equipment were involved in the elimination of the fire. The cause of the fire is a lightning discharge.

Everything complicated begins with simple

Fire prevention - the study of the "Fire Safety Rules in the RK forests." The rules for a person in the forest, whether working on a construction site or logging, picking mushrooms and berries, or just relaxing, list in detail all prohibited activities that could cause a fire. They should be known and strictly observed by all persons, including those who drive a car along forest roads.
First of all, it must be remembered that in many cases, bonfire is strictly prohibited - in green areas of cities, coniferous young forests, on old burners, areas of windfall or windbreak, on cutting areas with felling residues and harvested wood, under the forest canopy. If necessary, a fire can be made in open places, surrounded by a mineralized strip with a width of at least 0.5 m. After the fire should have been flooded or covered with earth. Do not throw burning matches, cigarette butts and ashes from smoking pipes. Do not use wads of flammable and smoldering materials when hunting. Do not refuel the fuel tanks of internal combustion engines while the engines are running. Do not operate machines with a faulty power system. Do not smoke or use open flames near fuel-fueled vehicles. The rules regulate measures to prevent violations and the responsibility of violators. Ignorance is not a reason to justify the offender.
Instructor APG Ridder aviation branch Kuzmin M.D.
The newspaper Leninogorsk truth

On May 25, 2020, employees of the Bayanaul aviation branch distributed campaign leaflets

On May 25, 2020, due to the extreme fire hazard, employees of the Bayanaul aviation branch at the checkpoint Zhasybai, Bayanaul State National Natural Park handed out campaign leaflets on fire-related topics to visitors to the natural park.

On May 24, 2020, 9 fires were discovered on the territory of the RSU GLPR Semey Orman

On May 24, 2020, during the air patrolling of the territory guarded by the Bukebaevsky aviation branch, 9 fires were discovered in the territory of the Bukebaevsky and Kanonersky branches of the Semey Ormani RSU GLPR. The forces and means of the Bukebaevsky aviation branch, the Bukebaevsky and Kanonersky branches with fire extinguishing equipment were thrown into the fight against the fire element. Fires that arose on the territory of the Bukebaevsky branch were quickly put out on a total area of ​​0.05 ha. In the localization and elimination of fires it was involved: a helicopter, 2 people of the Bukebaevsky aviation branch, 10 people of the Bukebaevsky branch, 3 pieces of equipment. Fires that arose on the territory of the Kanonersky branch were also quickly extinguished on a total area of ​​0.04 ha. In the localization and elimination of fires, it was involved: a helicopter, 2 people of the Bukebaevsky aviation branch, 10 people of the Kanonersky branch, 4 pieces of equipment. The cause of fires is lightning discharges.

About forest fire prevention

With the onset of spring from year to year, there is an increase in the number of forest fires: forests burn, forests and garden plots are blazing, grass smokes along roads and railways. The main reason for the occurrence of natural fires has long been well known: in 80% of cases out of 100% of possible, it is associated with the actions of people.
Inattention, negligence and lack of culture are to blame. A thrown cigarette butt, an unquenched fire - all this leads to fire and serious consequences. The only measure to prevent natural fires is compliance with fire safety rules, accuracy and diligence.
Turning to you, dear residents of the Zerendinsky district, I ask you to control not only yourself, but also others. While camping, do not forget about fire safety measures: carefully extinguish cigarette butts and matches, do not leave a fire unattended, do not burn grass, do not throw glass dishes in the woods, do not leave rags oiled and soaked with gasoline.
Now agricultural workers, tenants of forest fund plots are actively conducting controlled firing of dry grass and shrubs. Such preventive measures will prevent future fires. However, if such burning is uncontrolled, a fire is unavoidable. If, when driving a car along a country road or walking in the forest, you become an eyewitness of a forest fire, do not be indifferent, take measures to extinguish it, inform the local fire department or call the republican dispatch service by phone. 87272 718146. Timely detection of forest fire and the adoption of operational measures to eliminate it will minimize the severity of the consequences and save houses and material assets from fire.
I want to express my confidence that by joint efforts and on the basis of mutual understanding we will do everything necessary to prevent emergency situations associated with natural fires in 2020.
D. Gushchin, instructor of the APG of the Kokshetau Aviation Branch.
Newspaper Grains.

Forestry work in the Akmola aviation branch

On May 23, 2020, specialists of the Akmola aviation branch, together with a representative of the State Aviation Administration of the Ministry of Railways of Akkol District, circled the protected area in order to monitor compliance with environmental management rules and identify violations of environmental laws. During the air patrol, no violations were detected.

In the fire hazard season of 2020, the Mi-2 helicopter was used in the Zhambyl aviation branch to perform forestry operations

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