Congratulations on the day of Forestry workers

Forestry workers day (in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation and Ukraine - Forest workers' Day) is an international professional holiday of all forest workers. On the third Sunday of October, Kazakhstan celebrates the professional holiday of people who increase our forest resources and promote their rational use by their noble work.
At all times, people have recognized that almost any occupation can become prestigious – it all depends on how a person will work. Any profession is unique in its own way. Each profession has its own specifics of work, its values and its heroes.
The forest is our greatest natural wealth, a pledge of environmental safety, a priority component of the national economic complex of the country. The forest needs a wise and caring owner. Preservation, multiplication, careful and rational use of this priceless national treasure is the duty not only of forestry, but also of society.
Dear forestry workers!
We sincerely congratulate You on your professional holiday! We sincerely wish you health, optimism and new achievements in your work. May all your goals and aspirations be realized, peace, happiness and prosperity reign in every family!
With best wishes, staff of the state enterprise "Kazavialesoohrana"