On September 23, 2019, a preventive lecture was held by an employee of the Ridder aviation branch

23 September 2019 under the programme for informing the population of the instructor APS aviation Pavlodar branch Babakov Vladimir among workers it is Repair-mechanical workshops (RMM) held a preventive lecture on a subject: "Observance of rules of fire safety in woods." Employees of the organization were acquainted with the precautions when handling fire in the forest, actions when detecting a forest fire, the rules of compliance with sanitary standards when visiting the forest. At the end of the lecture, the participants were distributed leaflets of an agitation nature.
On September 22, 2019, during the air patrol of the territory protected by the Karkarala aviation branch, a fire was discovered in the 109th quarter of the Mountain forestry, karkarala GNPP. Forces and means of the Karkarala aviation branch and the karkarala GNPP were thrown to fight against the fiery element. In the localization and liquidation of the fire were involved: a helicopter and 4 paratroopers-firefighter karkarala aviation branch, 5 people karkarala GNPP, 2 pieces of equipment. Thanks to quickly taken measures the fire was liquidated on the small area-0.02 hectares.
Forces and means of the Karkarala aviation branch and the karkarala GNPP were thrown to fight against the fiery element. In the localization and liquidation of the fire were involved: a helicopter and 3 paratroopers-firefighter Karkarala aviation branch, 10 people karkarala GNPP, 1 unit of equipment. Thanks to quickly taken measures the fire was liquidated on the small area-0.0005 hectares.
A day later, paratroopers-firefighters were made descents from the mi-8 helicopter to the ground with the help of a special trigger device (SUR). Descents were carried out from a height of 30 and 40 meters. From such a height, paratroopers-firefighters have to work directly when extinguishing forest fires.
The helicopter can get as close to the ground as the trees allow. Working out of practical skills of "forest special forces" was carried out by experienced mentors-heads of flight-production and air-fire services.
It should be noted that it is not always possible to reach the area of an active forest fire by land transport, and when delivering forces and means by air-to pick up a platform for a safe landing. In such cases, it is decided to land troops in the area of the fire with the help of a helicopter. The pilot-observer from the air picks up suitable for the descent of paratroopers - firefighters platform, the size of at least 5x5 meters between the crowns of trees.