Since September 11, 2019 specialists of the Karkarala aviation branch together with representatives of the Karaganda regional territorial Inspectorate have been flying over the protected area in order to monitor compliance with the rules of nature management and identify violations of environmental legislation. During the past air raids, no violations of environmental legislation were revealed.
Karkarala State national natural Park was organized in 1998 on December 1 by resolution No. 1212 Of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of creation was to preserve and restore the unique natural complexes Karkaralinsk and Kent mining forest areas.

Karkaralinsk-Kent mountain site consists of five relatively isolated from each other mountain groups: Buguly, Sankosha, Matina, Airtau and Kent. The karkarala mountains and the Kentish massif have a noticeable landscape asymmetry: their Northern slopes are steeper and noticeably richer in springs and vegetation than the southern and Western ones. They are ridges, forming a network of rocky ridges and peaks, separated from each other by deep gorges, intermountain valleys and hollow-uvalistymi plains. Thus, in the karkarala massif angle diverge ridges tar-kezen and Akpet, Buguly and Air, separate peaks rise peak Komsomol (1 403 m), Shankoz (1 360), Buguly (1 323), Koktobe (1 254) and a number of other less significant in height.

The national Park is home to 190 species of vertebrates, 46 species of mammals, more than 120 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles, 2 species of amphibians and 15 species of fish. From predators meet wolf, Fox, weasel, lynx. Until 1940, bears were encountered in the national Park. Of the animals listed in the red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan lives here: argali, manul; birds-curly Pelican, crane-beauty, Swan-whooper, Golden eagle, burial ground, Falcon-Saker, Savka, black stork.
About 800 species of plants are found in the Karkaly mountains. Currently, 66 species of flowering plants in urgent need of special protection and 15 species of ferns have been identified on the territory of the karkarala GNPP. 5 species are listed In the red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan: poppy thin, barberry karkaralinsky, Adonis Volzhsky, sphagnum smooth, birch Kirghiz.
The article uses photographs taken by the head of the Karkarala aviation branch Plotnikov T. V.