The fifth day there is a fight against a large fire that crossed the territory of the 16th quarter of the Baktinsky forestry, Karkaraly GNPP. Due to the strong wind, the fire quickly spread to other quarters of the forestry. Extinguishing a fire is complicated by difficult terrain, poor visibility, and strong gusts of wind (up to 16 m / s). To extinguish the fire, first-class Mi-171 and Mi-8 helicopters with a spillway device on an external sling, and Ka-32, Mi-2, EC-145 helicopters were involved. The fire was established from the air. It was decided to attract additional forces and means to combat the fire element. The forces and assets of neighboring natural parks were attracted. The firefighters of the Karkaraly aviation branch, the forces and equipment of the Karkaraly State Scientific and Practical Command, the employees of the State Scientific and Practical Command Bayanauyl and Buyratau, voluntary fire brigades, the local population, parts of the national guard, and emergency forces were also involved in extinguishing the fire.

In total, more than 330 people, more than 65 pieces of equipment, Mi-171, Ka-32, Mi-8, Mi-2, EC-145 were involved in fighting the fire. In total, more than 30 targeted discharges of water to the fires were performed, with a total tonnage of more than 100 tons of water. After a long and stubborn struggle with fire, the fire was localized at 16:00 on Nur-Sultan time on August 16, 2019. The fire area on August 16 amounted to about 3,700 ha, of which the state forest fund is 2,700 ha. Touching down. Employees of the Karkaraly GNPP are on the lookout.