On June 25, 2019 employees of the Kostanay Aviation Branch discovered a fire

We have set a course for the establishment of the "Listening State". As I said, the essence of this approach is not simply the situational response of government agencies to the daily problems of the population. This is first of all a constant dialogue between the authorities and society.
The National Council of Public Confidence has given a new impetus to the development of public dialogue. It justified its mission by institutionalising the nationwide dialogue process in our country, which resulted in a package of political reforms.
In particular, the Law "On Peaceful Assemblies”, new in its democratic essence, was adopted, amendments were made to the Laws "On Political Parties”, "On Elections”, "On Parliament and the Status of its Deputies”, as well as to the Criminal Code regarding decriminalising Article 130 and humanising Article 174. I am grateful to Parliament for the high-quality and efficient work involved.
This is only the beginning of our reforms in the political sphere and its modernisation will continue. It is necessary to reform practically all the institutions of state power. The main goal of the reforms is to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the entire State.
If we really want to improve the lives of our citizens, then we should involve them in the reform process. Our subsequent political reforms should be aimed at the wider involvement of the public in the government of the country.
For example, opinion polls show an increased demand for the election of rural governors. This important step should be approached carefully and consistently. We need to clearly understand how this system will work in practice. However, the solution of this issue cannot be postponed indefinitely.
The term of office of a number of heads of rural districts will end next year. I believe it is possible to conduct direct elections of rural governors.
In addition to the electivity of local authorities, it will be necessary to decide on the division of powers between levels of government, as well as with local self-government.
An extremely important point is the development of a model for budgetary financing of the regions. This is not only about the "centre-region” relationship, but also about the distribution of funds within the region.
It is essential to strengthen control over the process of approving local budgets, since funds are often not directed to the real needs of the public. Annual renovation of the same streets, senseless spending on image events - all this causes the just indignation of citizens.
With regard to socially significant expenditures on infrastructure and social initiatives, the budgets of districts and villages should go through public expertise, including using online surveys.
We also need to strengthen the financial capabilities of local government. To do this, it is necessary to expand property rights and increase the revenues of the budgets of rural districts. This should be the next stage in the development of "public participation budgets”. By December 1 of this year, the Government will develop a regulatory framework and mechanisms for solving this important problem.
Representative bodies - maslikhats are called upon to monitor the optimal use of local resources. But their opinions are often ignored. This is already a political anachronism.
I also believe it is possible to assign maslikhats with the function of collecting signatures and drawing up petitions on the development of the region or local problems that have not been resolved sometimes for decades.
It will also be necessary to strengthen the audit commissions of maslihats. I instruct the Government and the Accounts Committee to prepare a package of relevant amendments to the legislation.
We need to introduce mandatory online broadcasts of the meetings of maslikhats. Discussions between people's representatives, their socio-political appearance should not be a secret kept from the public.
It is proposed to gradually differentiate the powers of local government bodies and local self-government bodies.
We need to raise the status of local self-government bodies - gatherings and assemblies. Their opinion on topical problems on the ground should be taken into account by regional maslikhats for making specific decisions.
Separately, we should consider the issue of self-government in cities.
A reform was launched to introduce the institution of associations of property owners (APO). A corresponding law has been adopted, all apartment complexes will gradually switch to this form of management.
This reform is designed to take into account the views of residents on property management, accountability in spending funds on maintenance and repairs.
The government and governors must ensure that this important reform is implemented. After all, APO is, in fact, a basic element of the institution of self-organisation and self-government.
The time has come to develop a new Concept for the development of local self-government. Parliament on that basis will adopt a package of corresponding laws.
It must be admitted that formalism and lack of efficiency are still widely present in the work of government agencies. Citizens are forced to demand the solution of their local problems from the central government, to file complaints with the Head of State. It is time therefore to delegate more authority and responsibility to local leaders.
Through social media, problems that cannot be solved locally are made known throughout the country.
We need to create a single legitimate institution of online petitions for citizens to initiate reforms and proposals. Such a mechanism must be completely protected from any manipulation.
The government, in cooperation with civil society, will have to develop a regulatory framework and resolve all technical issues related to this important project.
The most important mission of protecting the interests of the country's citizens will continue to be carried out by political parties.
Through its actions the Nur Otan Party is confirmed in its status as the leading political force in our society. The party's potential will be used in the implementation of all planned reforms.
At the same time, I, as the Head of State, must work on the development of a real multi-party system.
We are not standing still, we are progressively improving our political system, adapting it to the new reality. Our society needs political reforms, so they will definitely continue.
It should be remembered that the main enemies of democracy are ignorance and populism. I hope that our citizens will support the reforms and, having received new political opportunities, will not allow society to slide into "hypocracy."
The success of all these reforms and transformations depends on our solidarity, patriotism, and civic responsibility.
Today we are faced with the task of forming a new paradigm for our people's lives, improving the quality of the entire nation.
Life itself dictates to us the need to adapt to the requirements of the time as individuals and as society as a whole.
Only a nation striving forward can demonstrate the achievements of a progressive country on a global scale.
I want our people to have more qualities that are good and exemplary for the whole world.
For the new development of our nation, our daily life attitudes must change.
And new principles should reign in society and new guidelines should be consolidated.
"To have knowledge, you need to learn. To be rich, you have to do business. Unity and cohesion are necessary for power. For these needs it is necessary to work tirelessly”, - these words of the teacher of the nation, Akhmet Baitursynuly, are still relevant today.
First, the generation of the twenty-first century must be highly educated.
Second, young people must be accustomed to hard work.
Third, this is correct when professionalism is the basis of any business.
Fourth, iron discipline and high responsibility must become characteristic features of us all.
Fifth, one must not deviate from the path of justice. Justice is an important condition for the development of society. This quality is of particular importance for the fate of the country and our people.
Sixth, we need to cultivate qualities such as honesty, frugality and solidity. We all want to see Kazakhs this way. Only through following this path can we build a competitive state and create an intelligent nation.
The task of the country’s intelligentsia at this new stage is to embed new principles of national existence, as well as to contribute to improving the quality of the nation.
The renewed society must gradually rid itself of alien habits.
Extravagance and pomposity do no honour to either society or the individual. Irresponsibility, indifference, carelessness can lead to the tragedy of the entire country. And idle talk and bragging slows down the development of society. The great Abai wrote about this, saying "... lies, slander and pride hide the face of truth”. This problem is still relevant to this day.
We must instil in every citizen the great value and high ideals of labour.
A strong system "Responsible State - Responsible Society - Responsible Person” must be rooted in our country.
Dear compatriots!
The country faces great and complex tasks. Their successful solution requires extraordinary approaches, new thinking, universal solidarity and mutual support.
Our strategic course is clear. We are well aware of our problems and shortcomings.
Today I presented to the whole society a plan of action for the state in a situation of crisis. The ultimate success of the reforms depends on each and every one of us.
All of us should work on self-development. The challenges of the times force us to constantly adapt, become stronger and work relentlessly. Therefore, a happy and bright future will depend on a valorous labour of each citizen.
Each generation faces a different challenge. In our history, we have always overcome different challenges. Our people are capable and ready to tackle the most arduous tasks. We are ready for this.
We are a generation that has embodied the long-term dreams and aspirations of our people about Independence. Next year will mark the 30th anniversary of our Independence. This date is an important milestone for sovereign Kazakhstan. This is the beginning of a new historical period.
We bear a huge responsibility for the future of the state.
In unity and concord, we will overcome all challenges and achieve all our goals.
We can do it.
I am firmly convinced of that.
May our country be always safe.
Thank you all.