On May 15, 2019 employees of the Taldykorgan aviation branch detected a fire

Fire and tactical exercises to work out joint actions of forest owners and special services units to extinguish forest fires in the border areas and lands of the state forest fund of the Turgensky branch, Ile-Alatau SNNP, were held on May 14 in the territory of the natural boundary Turgen.
Prior to the special tactical exercises, an extended seminar-meeting was held on fire safety in the forests of Ile-Alatau SNNP. During the seminar the following questions were covered:
- Compliance with safety procedures for extinguishing forest fires in mountain conditions Ile-Alatau SNNP;
- Interactions between aviation and ground protection of forests when extinguishing a forest fire, conducting radio exchanges with an aircraft, and safety measures for transporting people and goods by helicopters;
- First aid to persons injured in a fire;
- Preparations for possible avalanches, floods, floods, landslides, mudslides, as well as steppe and forest fires;
- Creation of forest fire stations in Ile-Alatau SNNP, and their tasks for extinguishing forest fires and ensuring interaction with district emergency management departments;
- Measures aimed at ensuring the safety of the population, business facilities, as well as reducing possible damage from natural disasters;
- The use of fire fighting equipment for extinguishing forest fires.
After the seminar, an inspection was made of the readiness of fire fighting equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and personnel.
According to the plan of the exercise, when conducting ground patrols on the territory of the Turgensky branch, at 13:00, the state forest protection inspector discovers a fire. Upon receipt of a signal of a fire, the dispatcher will notify all participants in the exercise.
In alarm, the ground guard detachment of the Turgen branch of the Ile-Alatau SNNP is the first to reach the fire site. Mobile brigades of foresters penetrate to the epicenter of fire by high-passable cars, where they fight the flame with the help of backpack fire extinguishers, tank trucks, firecrackers and shovels. Due to unfavorable weather conditions (strong wind, dry weather), rapid spread of burning is possible over a wide area. A decision is made to attract additional forces and means to combat the fire element.
To the aid of the representatives of the forestry come the ground guard detachments of the adjacent branches of Ile-Alatau SNNP, paratroopers-firemen of the Almaty Aviation Branch of the State Enterprise "Kazavialesookhrana", the state fire service of the city of Esik, emergency departments of the Karasai, Talbe and Shakeshikakha regions, the departments for emergency situations of the Karasai region, the emergency departments of the Karasai, Talagr and Enbekshikazak regions.
The fire fighting operational headquarters is also created at the site of the fire, which collects, processes and analyzes data on the fire situation.
The reconnaissance team surveys the state of fire, assesses the prospects for its development, monitors the spread of fire and the progress of extinguishing, and adjusts the distribution of forces and means around the perimeter of the fire.
Set fire area - 3 hectares. The probability of a fire going to the forest is high.
Enveloped in clouds of smoke, teams quickly begin to extinguish the fire.
To contain fire, the burning area around the perimeter is covered with a protective strip of special foam. Foresters and paratroopers firemen with backpack fire extinguishers ring squeeze the fire zone. In parallel, the fire units arrange a massive water attack, preventing the fire from spreading further.
At 14 hours and 30 minutes, the existing edge of the fire was stopped at all sites, and work was under way to localize and extinguish individual fires.
At 15 hours 00 minutes, the conditional fire was localized in all directions, and was not allowed to spread to the adjacent forest. The threat of fire to the state forest fund has been removed.
At 15 hours and 10 minutes, the gathering of additional formations in the camp is announced. The chief of the fire fighting operational headquarters announces the elimination of the fire.
In total, more than 60 people and 4 units of special equipment were involved in the exercises.
According to the organizers of the exercise, these activities are carried out to work out the skills of extinguishing forest fires in conditions as close to real as possible, outflowing all the nuances that may arise during the liquidation of a real fire, interaction of all operational services and ensuring fire safety.
Summing up the results of special tactical exercises, the general director of the Ile-Alatau SNNP Malgeldiev D.N. thanked all the participants, noting the coherence and consistency in the interaction of all departments and formations.