May 10, 2019 fire was localized
On May 10, 2019 a fire was detected from the fire observation tower in the 16th quarter of the Central Forestry Department of KSU Ridderskoe LH. The forces and facilities of the Ridders Aviation Branch, the ground forest guard, and the local fire station were immediately thrown into the fight against the fire element. Despite the strong wind (10-12 m / s), the fire fighting services managed to localize the fire in a small area. The localization of the fire involved: a helicopter, an observer pilot, and 4 people from the aviation fire service of the Kazavialesokhrana State Enterprise, 16 people from the ground fire fighting services, 2 fire brigades from the specialized fire brigade number 4 of Ridder, 7 pieces of equipment. Fire area of 0.9 ha. Work is underway to eliminate and extinguish the fire.