On May 10, 2019 a fire was detected from the fire observation tower in the 16th quarter of the Central Forestry Department of KSU Ridderskoe LH. The forces and facilities of the Ridders Aviation Branch, the ground forest guard, and the local fire station were immediately thrown into the fight against the fire element. Despite the strong wind (10-12 m / s), the fire fighting services managed to localize the fire in a small area. The localization of the fire involved: a helicopter, an observer pilot, and 4 people from the aviation fire service of the Kazavialesokhrana State Enterprise, 16 people from the ground fire fighting services, 2 fire brigades from the specialized fire brigade number 4 of Ridder, 7 pieces of equipment. Fire area of 0.9 ha. Work is underway to eliminate and extinguish the fire.
On May 9, 2019 a steppe fire was detected by the staff of the Zhambyl aviation department
On May 9, 2019 during the air patrolling of the territory protected by the Zhambyl aviation department, a fire was discovered on the lands of the state reserve (near the village of Kyrykkyzik). Information about the fire was immediately transmitted to the ground fire extinguishing services to take prompt measures to contain and eliminate the fire. The fire area at the time of detection of 5 hectares.
Happy Great Victory Day!
Dear people of Kazakhstan!
Congratulations on May 9 - Great Victory Day! We wish you a peaceful sky over your head, good health, great happiness, well-being in the family.
With best wishes, the team of the State Enterprise "Kazavialesookhrana".
May 7, 2019 flights were carried out to monitor compliance with environmental management rules and to identify violations of environmental legislation
On May 7, 2019 specialists from the Ridder Aviation Branch of the State Enterprise "Kazavialesookhrana" together with representatives of the RSU "West Altai State Nature Reserve" overflew the reserve in order to monitor compliance with environmental regulations and identify violations of environmental legislation. No violations were detected during the flight. In the natural habitat a female brown bear was photographed with offspring.
On May 7, 2019 a fire was detected by the staff of the Zhambyl Aviation Division
On May 7, 2019 during the air patrolling of the territory protected by the Zhambyl Aviation Division, a fire was discovered on the territory of the state reserve lands (buffer zone) adjacent to the state forest fund. The threat of a fire going into 5th and 6th quarters of the Moynkumsky KSU was created. To the site of fire from a helicopter, paratroopers-firefighters were disembarked to extinguish the fire and prevent its further spread. Taking into account the speed of fire spread, its intensity, area and other factors, the pilot-observer used the method of extinguishing the fire - the organization of the counter fell. This method allowed to stop the spread of fire towards the state forest fund. In the localization and elimination of fire were involved: a helicopter, an observer pilot, 3 paratrooper-fire Zhambyl aviation department. Fire area 5 ha.
May 7, 2019 fire was extinguished
May 7, 2019 in the territory of 115 and 118 quarters of Kamensk-Uralsky forestry, KSU "Borovskoye FDA" the fire was extinguished. The forces and means of the Kostanay Aviation Division, the Borovskiy Forestry Establishment, the Emergency Situations Department of the Mendykarinsky District, and the Akimat of the Mendykarinsky District were thrown into the fight against fire elements. 63 people and 24 units of equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire.
May 7, 2019 the fire was extinguished
On May 7, 2019 a fire was extinguished on the territory of the 100 quarter of the Bolandinsky Forestry, SNNP "Burabai". The forces and facilities of the Borovsk and Akmola aviation departments and of the ground forest guard were sent to fight the fire element. After a long and hard struggle with fire, the fire was extinguished on an area of 2.4 hectares.
On May 6, 2019 employees of the Taldykorgan aviation department detected a fire
On May 6, 2019 during the air patrolling of the territory protected by the Taldykorgan aviation department, a fire was discovered on the lands of the state reserve (near the village of Novostroyka). Information about the fire was immediately transmitted to the ground fire extinguishing services to take prompt measures to contain and eliminate the fire. The fire area at the time of detection 0.1 ha.
May 5, 2019 fire was extinguished
On May 5, 2019 a fire was eliminated that passed from the territory of the Akkolsky district to the 141 quarter of Akkolsky forestry, Akkolsky KSU. The forces and means of the Akmola aviation department and the ground forest guard were immediately thrown into the fight against the fire element. The fire suppression involved the following: 5 people of the Aviation Fire Service of the State Enterprise "Kazavialesookhrana", 10 people of ground fire fighting services, 3 units of equipment. The fire area is 35 hectares (of which GLF is 0.02 hectares).
May 4, 2019 fire was extinguished
On May 4, 2019 a fire occurred in the 76 quarter of Prigorodny forestry of Prigorodny KSU. In extinguishing the fire, the forces of the Prigorodny and Arakaragai forestry institutions, the Emergency Department of the Kostanay region, the Akimat of the Kostanay region, the Kostanay aviation department of the State Enterprise "Kazavialesookhrana" took part. Fire area 50 ha.