April 18, 2019 a general meeting was held at the Karkaraly Aviation Branch

April 18, 2019 by the employees of the central office of the State Enterprise "Kazavialesookohrana" by the head of the flight production service - A. Amanov, the head of the personnel department - S. Almabayev, the head of the legal department - J. Ibrayev, the head of the administrative and economic department - T. Bazarbaev a general meeting was held with employees of the Karkaraly Aviation Branch. The following issues were addressed during the meeting:
1. Acquaintance and explanation with the changed structure of production, the name of production departments, personnel appointments and changes.
2. Clarification on personnel matters and legal issues.
3. Control over performance and labor discipline.
4. Clarification on the maintenance of work schedules, timesheet, wages and bonuses of employees.
5. The issue of the development and transfer to the commission of certification of pilot-observers, APG instructors, paratroopers-firefighters, for entering into the list of professions with special working conditions, has been communicated to the personnel.
6. The topic of countering corruption and measures taken to prevent corruption offenses.
7. Conducting production documentation, compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, norms and regulations.
8. Compliance with ethics and subordination in the event of the emergence and resolution of issues at work.